20 Jul 2011

Tayori: Postcards for Japan.

Hello all, something to brighten up your day, we bring news of the lovely Tayori exhibition, a collection of post cards with a heart. Designed as a message of sympathy and greetings, this exhibition is comprised of a mix of students, established names and up and coming illustrators. All the proceeds go to a wonderful cause so please take a look!

Tayori: Postcards for Japan
The title of this exhibition can be interpreted two ways: Tayori, ‘便り’, means letter or tiding, and interpreted with different characters '頼り', it means help or reliance. Our intention for this exhibition encompasses both.

We present a collection of original work submitted both by student and professional artist/illustrators, some already established, some at the beginning of their careers. Each piece takes the form of a postcard: individually and together, they are intended as a message of hope and good wishes for Japan. 

This exhibition has been organised to raise funds in support of relief efforts in Japan, following the earthquake, tsunami and ongoing insecurity caused by the emergency at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant.  The MA Children’s Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art has strong links with Japan: Japanese students come here to study, and staff have traveled there to teach.  As individual artists and illustrators, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless in the face of such disaster. As a group, we hope to do more. Donating the proceeds of this exhibition to a charity that focuses its support on the children of northern Japan seems the best way for us, as illustrators for children, to contribute what we can to rebuilding their future.

All funds raised will be donated to Teachers for Japan, a volunteer-run charity giving support children and their families affected by the disaster, as well as rebuilding schools that were damaged or destroyed.

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